Expand the Lean-In Conversation with Jill Ebstein #WESTauthor
Have you ever sat around with your friends and colleagues and discussed "Lean in"? Do you feel the conversation needs to be expanded to include those who aren't going on the autobahn full speed ahead? If so, then you will enjoy an evening with Jill Ebstein, author of At My Pace: Ordinary Women Tell Their Extraordinary Stories. Jill spoke with 36 women, ranging from their 30s to their 80s, who were going at a different pace. The stories these women share are short and packed with punch. Just like cover indicates, the goal is blue sky and open roads. This book helps us understand:
* How women went from discovering their way to celebrating their choices
* What they learned along the way
* The new 3 Rs that can help guide us.
The evening promises to be in an interactive, candid sharing of our journey and why the burden of perfection is to heavy for anyone to carry.
Jill has since followed up her first book with a sequel, At My Pace: Lessons from Our Mothers. This book asks contributors who are both men and women to share one lesson they take from their mom and its impact. For some the stories are full of gratitude. For others, healing is required as sons and daughters work to understand the complexity of their relationship and to ultimately find peace. Experiencing this book has given many readers a valuable perspective and a new will to find appreciation and love, even when it is in hard-to-reach places.
Books will be available for purchase. $15 each for $25 for the set
About the Author
Jill Ebstein is the editor of the At My Pace series of books – At My Pace: Lessons from Our Mothers (Nov, 2016) and At My Pace: Ordinary Women Tell Extraordinary Stories (2015). She’s the founder of Sized Right Marketing, a Newton, Mass., based consulting firm that helps Fortune 500 companies use the customer voice to develop workable strategies that will yield results. She holds a BS from Washington University and an MBA from Wharton. When not working as a consultant, Jill is often speaking on the At My Pace message, or working on volume three. Learn more at http://www.atmypacebook.com.
Date and Time: August 9, 2017 6:00 - 8:00 PM
6:00-6:10pm: Registration, mingling, and light dinner 6:10-6:30pm: Facilitated networking 6:30-7:30pm: Chat with Jill 7:30-8:00pm: Q & A with the audience
$20 for members, $30 for non-members
You can add $15 to your registration for a copy of her At My Pace: Ordinary Women Tell Their Extraordinary Stories book or $25 for both books in the series, which you can pick up at the event or you can bring cash and buy one there.
A light dinner will be served.
To Register
If you are a student looking for financial assistance to attend this event, please visit www.stayinma.com.
